KVC Workshops

If you have landed on this hidden page, it means you have obtained the link telling you all about the Christian singing workshops that Kingdom Voice Coaching holds. It is hidden, because the price is less than its mainstream sister Hummingbird Coaching.

To get you started, below you will find a selection of 1 hr and 1.5 hr workshops on offer, but with discounted KVC prices attached. Additionally, you are invited to browse the visible pages that you see in the menu above, namely ‘Group Singing Workshops’, where you’ll find details of half-day and full day events (remembering that the prices will be less than stated).

Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak to KVC about your group’s needs in order to ensure you book the right workshop/s for you, then please fill out the form at the bottom of this page or call Tracey on +44 (0)7540 283 796.

For testimonials on the workshops, scroll further down the page. 

Whether you’re a beginner or a more advanced singer, there is something for everyone.
In the left-hand column you will find a selection of foundational workshops. The mid-column contains more intermediate workshops called ‘Level-up’. These go deeper into your voice and technique. In the right-hand column, you will see a selection of workshops for the more experienced singer. As you look further down, you will find some performance-specific workshops and below this, you will find the pricing plans.

                    Simply choose your desired workshop, fill in the contact form below and we’ll get a date booked in
                               Alternatively, contact Tracey on +44 (0)7540 283 796 to discuss your group’s needs. 

Foundation workshops

Why Master Technique? (1 hr) Lost in the moment vs intentionality Can the two be combined? Learn the power of both!
In this discussion based workshop, we also look at the needs of the voice and how technique lends to vocal longevity and overall confidence building.

Foundations 1 – Unstitching bad habits and begin accessing higher notes: A look at breathing as we have been designed & posture and their importance to vocal release and tone. Explore the sounds your voice can make, learn the three main singing tones and understand the power of the hum.

Foundations 2 – Build upon your knowledge of Foundations 1: Experience your resonant voice. We also look at tension release through specific vocal exercises, you can get an idea of your range, begin developing your sense of control and how to begin accessing those higher notes effortlessly.

Singing For Health (£15 pp) – Learn many of the health benefits that comes with singing and let’s spend some time doing it!

Breath Awareness – A deeper look at breathing: Understand the mechanics of breathing and how it is used in singing and speaking.Understand how to breathe in abdominally using the ‘elastic recoil’, how
to use the abdominal muscles to assist the out-breath and the different amounts of breath that are needed for different tasks and learn how to apply this to singing.

Your Voice Box and An Overview of Registers 1 – Get to know your voice box: This workshop is more visual based, touching on the essential workings of your vocal mechanism. Learn more about sound and what occurs when your voice box (larynx) creates high and low pitches.

Overview of Registers 2 and Accessing Higher Notes  – A practical workshop exploring the application of vocal registers: Learn how to access those initial higher notes using the foundation of classical singing technique applied to relevant registers.

Focus: Chest Voice (1 hr)Spend an hour developing and strengthening your Chest Voice.

Focus: Head Voice (1 hr) Spend an hour learning techniques to develop and strengthen your Head Voice.

An introduction to Support (1 hr) – Explore the concept of “support for the voice”: What it is, the difference it makes to your singing and how to begin applying it.

Heal, Recover and Make Practice EffectiveLearn the benefits of allowing your vocal cords to vibrate more freely. Whether you suffer from hoarsness, tiredness, flem, acid reflux or not, this workshop is beneficial for all levels of singers and helpful in learning about functionality and dynamics of the vocal cords.


Level-up workshops

Access High Notes ‘Level-up’  – Accessing Higher Notes and Range: In this workshop we focus on three different techniques that can be applied to access those higher notes with ease. These exercises will also be key for increasing range.

Vowels and Accessing Higher Notes – Vowels are key to conquer! Based on the Italian “Legit” way of approach, learn about the concept of vowel “turning-over” and put this into practice through specific vocal exercises. Experience the difference it makes to maintaining an ‘open throat’ and pure tone in order to access those higher notes.

Consonant-Vowel Combinations – We can sing higher when it’s just to a vowel, but add consonants to the word and it gets a whole lot harder… Why is this? Come to this workshop to find out and learn practical application to overcoming the problem. Suitable for beginners and professional singers.

Introduction to Vibrato (1 hr) – Most singers have a natural vibrato. Learn how to intentionally apply vibrato in a way that enhances your voice and dynamics.

Registers & Singing in The Comfort Zone – Now you have learnt about registers, let’s level-up and spend time singing in the Comfort Zone of them. You will need to have completed “Foundations 2”, “An Overview of Registers 1” & “2” and “Focus: Chest/Head Voice” workshops in order to get the most out of this session.

An Introduction to ‘Mix Voice’ – “An Introduction to Support workshop from the Foundations tier needs to have been completed in order to do this workshop, as a sound introductory working knowledge of vocal support is essential. Additionally, the attendee will hugley benefit from having completed “Foundations 1” & “2” modules prior, also.

Onsets and The Balanced Voice – This workshop works well next to “Foundations 2”, because we explore deeper at the sounds your voice can make. This time however, we look at how we can create them from a balanced ‘Singer’s Onset’. Get the tone you want without compromising your voice. This workshop will open with a short warm up because of fine motor-skills that are involved.

Exploring Range – Explore your full range: How high and how low can you go? Find the ‘transition points’ in your voice. Learn about ‘pitch’ and how to best use your voice as an instrument to control pitch change. This workshop will open with a short warm up because of fine motor-skills that are involved.

Support Workout – Take a more in-depth look at the support system for your voice, with register-specific practical application by use of vocal exercises. You will learn much through this workshop and grow in breath and pitch control also. If you are a beginner, it is recommended you complete the following workshops beforehand: “Foundations 1” & “2”, “Overview of Registers 1” & “2”, “Focus Chest/Head Voice” and “An Introduction To Support”.

Your Daily Voice (1 hr) Every day, you and your voice may feel different: Become familar with your voice. Consider different ways it may feel or sound and learn how to tend your voice, to nurture it to more optimum level and aid recovery from a cold.

Tongue Trouble (1 hr) Go deeper with your resonant voice: The tongue is the root of much tension, tone hinderance and voice problems. Learn to relax your tongue to the root and see the difference it makes not only to your sound, but to your whole being.

Higher-level workshops

Enhance Your Tone – The benefits of ‘anchoring’, the ‘face-lift’, collapsed tongue, jaw alignment, the “wobble head” and the “zig smile” for tension relief and beautiful tone. If everyone is happy to, we can end the session by putting it all into practice through song. 

Mix Voice – This is a workshop focussed entirely on developing your technique of Mix Voice: Spend a marathon hour and a half on vocal-e’s that will have you going away with a firm establishment on how Mix Voice should sound and feel. A focus on mouth shape and vowel pronounciation is also involved within the session, to ensure a balanced onset. Bring plenty of water! If everyone is happy to, we can end the session by putting it all into practice through a song.

Level-Up Vibrato (1 hr) – Now you have had the chance to practice your Vibrato, let’s take it to the next level.

Introduction to Rock Style SingingLearn and practically try out the application for singing high pitched power songs! To get the most out of this workshop, you will benefit from having the practical understanding and implementation of Mix Voice.

Fast, Wordy… And HIGH! (1 hr) A closer look at consonants and how to approach a section of a song that is fast, has lots of words, long phrases and to top it all off, is high! The song “Where I Want To Be” from Chess will be the working example to accompany this fun workshop.

Singing in The Power Zone – The zone a lot of contemporary pop singers like to sing in. Ever wondered why divas drop their knees when going for a high power note? Experience the difference between Comfort Zone and Power Zone singing and how to sing in the Power Zone safely. In order to attend this workshop, Registers & Singing In The Comfort Zone from Level-up workshops needs to be completed. (NB: Power Zone is not the Belting Zone.)

Strength Building Session (1 hr) – “Functional strength is essential in order to sing the way you want to sing”, says ‘Sing With Freedom’ coach, Per Bristow. Don’t allow your voice to affected by a simple cold anymore. Greater strength = greater dynamics and the ability to express yourself more truthfully. Also with greater strength, you can sing softly and still be powerful.

Control, Riffs and RunsSpend this session developing your vocal ability on riffs and runs: It is important you have a sound working knowledge of how to work with and engage your support for this workshop.      

An Introduction to Belting 1 – Learn the approach to belting through a fun, interactive workshop: Hear what the belt sounds like and begin taking steps into developing this vocal skill. Step out of your comfort zone! (And the Power Zone for that matter!) NB: A sound knowledge and application of Support is needed. Singing In The Power Zone workshop also needs to be completed prior, with vocal exercises practiced so that your vocal muscles have some substance to them. 

An Introduction to Belting 2 – We move on to the next stages of learning and applying the technique of belt safely. It is essential to have a good understanding and application of vocal support through use of correct breathing and lower abdominal interaction. An Introduction to Belting 1 needs to have been completed prior to attending this workshop. The Belting series will be growing…


Musical Theatre (Level-up, Higher)
This workshop looks at the application of the “Speech Onset”. “The Glide” and ‘singing like we speak’ to create that contemporary musical theatre voice. We also explore emotion within song and how movement can enhance tone and heart-performance quality.


Developing Charisma (Foundation, Level-up, Higher) How to develop genuine charisma for authentic audience engagement.


Vocal Coaching (Level-up, Higher) – A look at how to approach singing a song that draws the listener in based on a three tier foundations approach: Vocal Technique followed by Interpretation, then Performance. Bring a song of your choice to work on.


Performance Extras (Foundation, Level-up, Higher) (Discounted online price: £12 pp)
In this mainly discussion based workshop, we include subjects on how to choose the right microphone for your voice and the sound you want; considering your stage layout and backdrop; and preparation to your gig day. (On-location price is £15 pp, because we bring microphones etc to try out.)


Here are a small selection of testimonials. You will find more on the Homepage and other pages of the website.

"10/10 - The workshop kick-started my connection with my voice. It was a nice relaxed atmosphere -"low-key" yet stretching, too! A good balance."
Rev Denise Hewitson
"10/10 - I feel fired up!"
Alastair Watson
"I knew I had a unique sound in me that I needed to have the opportunity to explore and allow to come out. The workshop with Trace was really key to finding and unlocking that sound."
Carmen Clarke
"I am a singer in a band and came to a full day workshop. I got a lot out of it - I am looking forward to attending the follow-up."
Peter Szczepanski / Peter118
"I was unsure if it was for me, but I found out that it was! I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of it."
Jeff Sharples
"The course made people support and help each other as Tracey watched for each person's ability, which allowed everyone to not feel left out and encouraged everyone to take part. My self-esteem grew as the day went on and equally my understanding of my voice, enabling a new level of voice release."
"I can really recommend Tracey from Hummingbird Coaching. Her natural enthusiasm for her subject is infectious and her knowledge of the voice and its mechanics is extremely impressive. I had asked Tracey to help me sustain a specific character voice whilst singing, she gave me a number of tips which I have found extremely useful. Many of the tips Tracey gave, I have put into practice professionally and have genuinely noticed how much easier I have found singing since working with her."
Wink Taylor

Where Workshops Are Held & Pricing

Hosted Workshops
This is where KVC comes to you*.

The cost per person attending a 1-hour workshop is £10 and for attending a 1hr 30 minutes workshop is £15 (unless otherwise stated). A minimum of 6 attendees are required

It is asked that travel expenses are covered and this will be discussed with you on an individual basis. To give an example, with current diesel prices it costs approximately £40 to complete a 120 mile round trip (or £20 for a 60 miles round trip).        

*NB: The presenter will need between 30-45 minutes set up time.

Online Workshops
With professional conferencing platforms available, group workshops work surprisingly well online. Although face-to-face is always the best option, we understand that it can be preferred, or more convenient, for some. 

The cost per person attending a 1-hour workshop is £9 and for attending a 1hr 30 minutes workshop is £14 (unless otherwise stated). A minimum of 5 attendees are required.

Please note that with all workshops, no-one is ever put on the spot. Any solo participation is entirely voluntary. The design of each workshop is to be a welcoming place, where those who love to sing can learn without any pressure of performing. The group environment facilitates this nicely and, of course, it is always easier to come with a friend!

Contact / Make A Booking

NB: If you are making a booking, please give an indication of the date you would like the workshop
and whether you would like it 'Hosted' or 'Online'.
Thank you. You will be contacted within 1-2 working days.